Store-2-Old-Guys: Traditional Gemstone Metaphysical Lore and Properties

Store-2-Old-Guys: Traditional Gemstone Metaphysical Lore and Properties

Traditional Gemstone Metaphysical Lore and Properties

ABALONE – Confidence, Spirituality, Heart, Muscles, Digestion

ACTINOLITE – Responsibility, Industry, Inflammations, Liver

Adds fire to physical love! Intensifies friendship, brings

Aventurine – Courage in social group situations, adventures in love and life, gives luck where perception is required. Against negative energies. Against worries.

AGATE – Competition, Eloquence, Fevers, Gums, Circulation.

AGATE BLUELACE – Composure, Growth, Infections,

AGATE BOTSWANA – Understanding, Recovery, Toxins,

AGATE DENDRITIC – Energy, Balance, Recuperation, Vitality

AGATE MOSS – Renewal, Assertiveness, Heart, Lungs, Skin

AGATE TREE – Coordination, Management, Chest, Stomach


Agates: Balancing physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual energies; perceptiveness, strength, inspiration, awakening talents. Courage, symbolizes 3rd Eye, gives a spiritual love of truth, banishes fears, hardens tender gums. All agates enhance other stones. Strengthens the nervous system, used in ancient Egypt. Success, joy, self-expression, awakening heart, soothing, harmony, balancing. xx

Moss agate is sometimes called the “gardener’s stone” due to its mystical properties of helping ensure a full crop. In addition to a full crop, moss agate is said to bring general abundance, success, and prosperity. It is also said to help one gain peace with extreme or excessive duties in life and brings self-confidence and higher self-esteem. Moss agate is also said to be a metaphysically protective stone Moss agate also appears in other colors such as red, yellow, orange and brown. Each color has somewhat different energies.

Alabaster has been around for centuries. In fact, ancient Egyptian alabaster carvings were found in king Tutankhamen’s tomb. Alabaster is a “drawing” stone meaning it has the ability to draw things to you or to draw things away from you, depending on what your needs are. It works wonderfully for drawing things of the Spirit to you, White alabaster summons the spiritual. Because alabaster is so soft, it does best with a sun’s cleansing. It can also draw forgiveness, whether it be you that needs self forgiveness or the ability to forgive someone that has done you wrong. It also draws energy from other stones

ALEXANDRITE – Alexandrite was treasured by Russian nobles and royalty and was considered to b a good luck charm. It shows the colors of a vivid bluish-green during daylight and a purplish-red in incandescent light. Because Imperial Russia’s primary colors were red and green it naturally became the national stone of tsarist Russia. The most remarkable characteristic of this stone is its ability to change color. Growth, Investment, Nerves, Luck, Joy renewal and regeneration, openness to higher self. Brings love, joy, and luck. Alleviating fears, energizing, cleansing.

ALMANDINE – Affection, Inspiration, Heart, Eyes

AMAZONITE – Clarity, Insight, Nerves, Emotions, Growth, Joy, Makes positive things even more positive including emotions. It helps to ensure success. Amazonite is considered a lucky stone, especially when worn by a gambler. Amazonite is frequently used to absorb the negative energy from electronic devices.

AMBER – Career, Accomplishment, Chest, Depression, Improves decision making. Grounds and stabilizes, healing agent, acts as a filter, radiates light and heat. Soothing, calming, cleansing.

AMETHYST – Moderation, Devotion, Insomnia, Addictions, Protection, spiritual attunement, gives visions or opens spiritual and psychic centers, reduces mental tension, induces pleasant healing dreams, prevents over indulgence and encourages transformation and breaking of bad habits. Contentment, spirituality, dreams, healing, peace, happiness, love, intuition. xx

AMETRINE – Resolution, Teaching, Teeth, Metabolism Intellectual stimulation, attunement, releasing, dispelling tension, connecting.

amplify the thoughts & feelings.

ANDALUSITE – Moderation, Enlightenment, Memory, Sight

ANGELITE – Bravery, Fortune, Headaches, Infections, Balancing

ANHYDRITE – Coordination, Concentration, Lungs, Chest

ANTIMOANY – Intellect, Progress, Colds, Flu, Swellings

anxieties & depression. Also increases psychic power, protects

APATITE – Emotions, Business, Speech, Bones Intellect, achieving results, healing, insight, humanitarianism, meditation, balance, creativity. Clears confusion in the mental strata’s

APOPHYLLITE – Tranquility, Honesty, Respiration, Skin

April – Diamond

AQUA AURA – Influence, Arts, Dexterity, Throat, Healing

Aquamarine – Gives one direction in life and spiritual visions, lifts ones spirit, calms the nerves, protection at sea. Courage, purification, peace, intuition, self-expression, balance, preparedness. Improves expression. Insight, Love, Growth, Allergies, Calms Nerves. xx

Aquarius – Lapis Lazuli, Drusy Chrysacolla – Electric Blue.

AQUARIUS: Amethyst., Fossils, Lapis Lazuli

ARAGONITE – Energy, Activity, Bones, Digestion

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